RAW Cones or King Palms?  What's Your Preferred Way to Pack Up Your Herb? - TWB

RAW Cones or King Palms? What's Your Preferred Way to Pack Up Your Herb?

The Results Are In!

We asked you in a recent Instagram Story Poll if you preferred King Palms or RAW Cones.  And the winner is...
King Palm blunts

Why Choose King Palms?

Another Weed Box favorite, King Palms are always great for:
**another great pre-rolled option offering accessibility for those who may be unable to roll.  Just fill it up and pack it in!
**using only organic and natural materials.
**a filtered option.
**availability in a variety of flavors.

What's TWB's Favorite Box Featuring King Palms?

Our $59 Summer Box comes with a 5-pack of King Palms, a grinder, and a rolling tray - everything you need!  Get yours here!

Why Choose RAW Cones?

The RAW®️ cones that come with most of our boxes, allow for:
**a pre-rolled option offering accessibility for those who may be unable to roll.  Just fill it up and pack it in!
**made with unbleached, natural material.
**a thinner option than traditional blunts that still use the cone format.
**a filtered option.
**the natural terps & flavors of the herb to come through.

What's TWB's Favorite Box Featuring RAW Cones?

The RAW Box!  Only $9.99!!  Check it out here!

Or you can check out a box that has both! 


Featuring King Palms and RAW®️ Cones, the Weekend Box is an over $70 value for only $29.99!  Check it out here!

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